So every morning it seems ritual for my husband to ask me, "So what you got going today"? I usually ask, "Why are you wondering?" Even though I know he's not judging how I use my time, I often wonder, 'does he
really know what I do?' So here's a glimpse..........a day in the life of Shirlene.
* Got up at 6 a.m. Went for a 2 1/2 mile run (I'm training with Anna to do a 5k in July.) It's beautiful at 6 a.m. this time of year. You hear the birds chirping. The sun is starting to come up so you get to see all the vibrant spring colors. And a deer even ran across the road right in front of us. It was pretty cool!
* Made my 2nd grader breakfast, did her hair, made her lunch (she REFUSES to eat school lunch. Has never eaten it once. Not even the sack lunches they make for field trips. She's scared of it and the lunch ladies, I think). Got her off to 8 a.m. school.
* Got my younger 2 children up, fed, dressed, and hair done.
*Took my Kindergartner and the carpool to 9:15 Kindergarten.
*Came home, showered, got myself ready for the day.
*Headed to Walmart. Picked up supplies for Teacher Appreciation project. 2 things of craft paint and metallic markers, and bought a gift card for a teacher. (I'm a homeroom mother. )
* Went to the elementary school. Hand stamped 28 sets of hands as a border on a black tablecloth. Helped wash 28 sets of hands. Helped 28 kindergartners sign a card for their teacher.
* Picked up my 6 year old from 1/2 day kindergarten.
* Fed us all lunch
* Micaela had two friends over to play. Oversaw their play, along with my 3 year old, who thinks he's suppose to box, kick and wrestle everyone. Thus I was also a referee. Oh, yeah, and cleaned up some 'potty training accidents'.
* Made a oriental pork salad, bread, and cookies. Some to take to our neighbor since their daughter had surgery. Some for our dinner.
* 2nd grader came home from school. She had a friend over. They wanted to 'make something'. They thought since it was cinco de mayo they should make a pinata (wasn't fond of that idea). Instead, I gave them this idea.........
* Helped 5 children make snow cones for 4 different school teachers for Teacher Appreciation (a snow cone machine is the best investment ever!!).
* Delivered 5 children/4 snow cones to the school, before the teachers left for the day.
* Finished my monthly visiting teaching report
* Worked on my RS lesson for Sunday
* Finished the tablecloth for the teacher by having Micaela stamp her hands in the empty spots to fill up the border. Wrote every students name as a border around the outside....with a fabric pen.
* Took my daughter and carpool to dance, and picked them up again.
* Delivered dinner to my neighbors and fed my family.
* Did some laundry
* Got the children in the bath and ready for bed.
There ya go, honey. A day in my life.
I'm tired ............I think I'll go to bed.
Oh, yeah, one more thing I did today. I created a new blog post.