Micaela started first grade. The girls are so excited that they were on the same schedule.They get to go to school together and walk home together. And the first few days, Lauren thought it was fun to see Micaela in the lunchroom and at the recess. Now she wonders why Micaela and her friends "have to follow her around"? But, luckily all of Lauren's friends love Micaela, and all of Micaela's friends like Lauren. Micaela thinks it's cool to hang with the big 3rd graders.
AJ started a little pre-school in our neighborhood. It's just 6 children. It's 2 days a week. He's getting too big! (He did get a haircut right after this picture :)
My children are growing up way too fast. But I love getting to stay home with them, having the flexibility to volunteer in their classroom, go eat lunch with them in the cafeteria (already done it once) and be there when they come home from school. I love the people they are becoming. They're kind, considerate, thoughtful, and becoming very responsible. Sometimes I wish I could freeze them, and make them quit growing, and keep them little forever. But then I can't do that, so I may as well enjoy the ride as they continue to mature and grow.